Christmas Mini Sessions Families and Children in our Studio located in Port Charlotte Florida
Treasure family memories, we all look back on family portraits from years passed. Continue the tradition this year. I can't wait to see your family this year.
Three great sets to choose from.
- Online Gallery choose your favorites
I know it's been a rough year for many so, I have reduced the price of the holiday sessions this year and split up the payments to allow everyone who want holiday portraits to be able have them this year.

Nov 7, 2024, 1:08:35 PM
Tammy Grueber - Hi Laurel, I would love to photography your family. Here is a link with the times available. https://nickolsons.com/form/christmas-mini-sessions2024
Nov 7, 2024, 12:55:21 PM
Laurel Cavender - Hi, I am interested in booking a Christmas Towne session for my family in November. 2 adults, one child, a 4 year old girl. I am located in Port Charlotte.